The act of removal - then putting back (the hard way).

homage n a public show of respect or honour towards someone or something: the master's jazzy - classical homage to Gershwin

narrative n 1 an account of events 2 the part of a literary work that relates events> adj 3 telling a story: a narrative account of the main events 4 of narration: narrative clarity

= homagenarrative

Wednesday 23 November 2011

found art whilst travelling in 2008/9 - collage

 wall collage found inside a flat in Craiova, Romania (Feb 2009)
 wall collage found inside a flat in Craiova, Romania (Feb 2009)
 wall collage found inside a flat in Craiova, Romania (Feb 2009)
wall collage found in artists studio Sicily (south) (Oct 2008)

found art whilst travelling in 2008/9 - sculptures / displays

 incidental sculpture found in Vienna, Austria (Dec 2008)
 sculpture of steel shoes 'the victims of war' found in Budapest, Hungary (Jan 2009)
shop window display found in Budapest, Hungary (Dec 2008)

found art whilst travelling in 2008/9 - exteriors

zebra crossing found in Lubljana, Slovenia (Nov/Dec 2008)

found art whilst travelling in 2008/9 - interiors

inside the church tower found in Sibiu Transylvania, Romania (Jan 2009) -34 deg

found art whilst travelling in 2008/9 - people

 friends stood in shadow of flags mast found in Syracuse, Sicily (Oct 2008) inspired by Francis Alys
 poster of people in the cinema found in Budapest, Hungary (Jan 2009)
people waiting outside the Vatican for the Pope - Rome, Italy (Nov 2008)

found art whilst travelling in 2008/9 - collections

 archive boxes found in artists studio Sicily, (south) (Oct/Nov 2008)
 photographs of the same person found in Acireale, Sicily (Nov 2008)
 plant-pots found in allotment in the heart of Roman settlement, Rome, Italy (Nov 2008) 
bone collections found in Pompei, Italy (Nov)

found art whilst travelling in 2008/9 - posters

two appropriated posters found in Budapest, Hungary (Dec/Jan 2008/9) 

Egon Schiele poster found situated opposite the Hundertwasser House - found in Vienna, Austria (Dec 2008)

found art whilst travelling in 2008/9 - billboards

billboard found in Craiova, Romania (Feb 2009)
billboard found in Acireale, Sicily (Sept 2008)

Thursday 12 May 2011

Tonight, me and Sandy are LIVE on Barking At The Moon Radio Show - 94.9FM

Me and Sandy will be joining the team at the BBC Radio show tonight after the 10:30 News. I will be being interviewed about mine and Sandy's antiks and about how the memory of a photograph can be brought back to life. Live on 94.9FM or Live on BBC iPlayer. Hope you enjoy the show!

Friday 22 April 2011

Sandy stay at CDPOM World in pictures

exhibition at Bermondsey, Biscuit Factory!

The Peek Show is a multi disciplinary art show by the 2nd year fine art students at Camberweel College of arts. Sculpture, Painting, Photography, Drawing and Ceramics will be showcasing their most recent works from the 6th till the 8th of May. 150 Artists works in one room. PRIVATE VIEW on the 6th.

Monday 18 April 2011

Sandy is at CDPOM World Bermondsey

The kind people at CDPOM World are collaborating with me on my 'Sandy the Golden Retriever. 2011' piece. The correspondence of the events that occur will soon be exhibited amongst Camberwell College of Arts 2nd year, 'PEEK SHOW', biscuit factory Bermondsey on May 6th - 9th. 

Sandy (aged 7 in the picture) is a dog I never got the chance to meet in my lifetime. I found a photograph of Sandy the Dog (my great aunties from Warrington) within my families box of old photographs. I chose to enlarge the image of the dog in order for me to then be able to interact with Sandy who I have no memory of. I am bringing memories back to life so that one can experience even more happenings: physically engaging with a once, frozen fragment of time.

I hope Sandy behaves himself, I am starting to become attached to that little fella!

Sandy's first walk. Peckham 2011

Wednesday 30 March 2011

the 'breeding' of Sandy the Golden Retriver

I will be able to now walk a dog that I never had chance to meet, but have heard a lot about. This dog has gone from beeing a small fragment in a huge family photo album, to a life size dog once more. Sandy will be going to CDPOM dog kennels in Bermondsay.

Monday 17 January 2011


Read this photograph

At first glance this image looks like a badly taken picture of a newly married couple, which is true. But once you start to read the photograph you start to spot accidental incidents that have also been captured. Is it the man tarring the roof in the background / is it that the spots of clouds are perfectly lined up with the angle of the roof / or simply that the groom inside the car is giving a happy thumbs up.

Visual Incidents that occur when reading a found photograph.

When looking through my families old photographs searching for the 'legs, torso, plant, door, 6x4' series, I stumbled accross this beautiful photograph. You can clearly see a lady sat comfortably with a tree for a head and a door in the background. I need to do nothing to this image, it is already collaged together.