The act of removal - then putting back (the hard way).

homage n a public show of respect or honour towards someone or something: the master's jazzy - classical homage to Gershwin

narrative n 1 an account of events 2 the part of a literary work that relates events> adj 3 telling a story: a narrative account of the main events 4 of narration: narrative clarity

= homagenarrative

Friday 22 April 2011

exhibition at Bermondsey, Biscuit Factory!

The Peek Show is a multi disciplinary art show by the 2nd year fine art students at Camberweel College of arts. Sculpture, Painting, Photography, Drawing and Ceramics will be showcasing their most recent works from the 6th till the 8th of May. 150 Artists works in one room. PRIVATE VIEW on the 6th.

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