The act of removal - then putting back (the hard way).

homage n a public show of respect or honour towards someone or something: the master's jazzy - classical homage to Gershwin

narrative n 1 an account of events 2 the part of a literary work that relates events> adj 3 telling a story: a narrative account of the main events 4 of narration: narrative clarity

= homagenarrative

Monday 17 January 2011

Read this photograph

At first glance this image looks like a badly taken picture of a newly married couple, which is true. But once you start to read the photograph you start to spot accidental incidents that have also been captured. Is it the man tarring the roof in the background / is it that the spots of clouds are perfectly lined up with the angle of the roof / or simply that the groom inside the car is giving a happy thumbs up.

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