The act of removal - then putting back (the hard way).

homage n a public show of respect or honour towards someone or something: the master's jazzy - classical homage to Gershwin

narrative n 1 an account of events 2 the part of a literary work that relates events> adj 3 telling a story: a narrative account of the main events 4 of narration: narrative clarity

= homagenarrative

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Arthur. C Clarke speaking in 'Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures' 96

'Behind everyone alive today, stand thirty stars. For that is the ratio by which the dead outnumber the living. Since the dawn of time, about one hundred billion human beings have walked on this planet. One hundred billion is about the number of stars in the milky way galaxy. So this means, for everyone who has ever lived, there could be a star. But o f course, stars are suns, with planets circling around them. So isnt it an interesting thought that there is enough land in the sky for everyone to have a whole world.'

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