The act of removal - then putting back (the hard way).

homage n a public show of respect or honour towards someone or something: the master's jazzy - classical homage to Gershwin

narrative n 1 an account of events 2 the part of a literary work that relates events> adj 3 telling a story: a narrative account of the main events 4 of narration: narrative clarity

= homagenarrative

Friday 26 November 2010

small 3min entry for CLASHANDCONVERGE

Just submitted a 3 minute video of 'homagenarrative' Live Performance Collage for the art show 'CLASHANDCONVERGE'. starts Monday at Camberwell College Peckham Road space.

Monday 22 November 2010


homagenarrative is surfacing for the first time in central london today! at 12pm the artsist and image will be making its homage towards creations of new narratives. please keep your eyes open for a glimpse of physical performative collage. 11:09am 22/11/10

Monday 15 November 2010

Miwon Kwon, "one place after another: notes on site-specificity" (spring 1997)

. 'The term site-specific is generally used to describe a certain genre of installation art—work designed solely for a par­ticular place or institution, work that cannot be transplanted elsewhere'.


                                                               dad = John Stezaker (collage)

                                                                                                   brother = Hans Peter Feldman (catagorizing)brother = Andrew Kotting (the placing of things                               
in a new environment)

cousins =  Michelangelo Antonioni (Director of Blow Up), Dan Graham (minimalist spaces), Rachel Whiteread (postcards, negatives and positives)

grandad = Karel Tiege (collage and the obsession of making)